Maybe..I’m not cut out for this business.
There are too many people willing to drop one body for one building, or for another body all together.
You were right all along about me being an Artist.
You said I should stay focused on music with my friends.
Instead, I learned everything I needed to know about real estate till my interest was dead.
I appreciate you letting me drop out of college to become an entrepreneur.
I appreciate you showing me how evil people can be all on my own.
You knew a girl would betray me before I could forget what that felt like.
You told me to be careful who I lay with at night.
You forgave me when I ran back to you crying.
You let me sleep alone and you let me live sleepless nights.
You let both feel the same...
You told me she wasn’t the one for me and I told you that you lied.
Instead, you’ve always been right.
I get why you’re not in my life the way I needed you to be.
I get why you kept your distance from my mom and me.
I get why I’m the oldest of several.
I get why you never gave me that nice watch with the bevel.
You told me in Vegas that I didn’t deserve shit.
You were right then too.
Even when you leave the hotel open for me to screw, I had a feeling you knew exactly what I was up to.
For you, I’d take down a palace and for her, I’d give her a mattress.
I get what you mean now when you told me not to let anyone take control of me.
I never knew that there were spies so close...
You didn’t tell me women turn the whole world against you to protect themselves.
I guess that must’ve happened to you more times than you can tell and your silence…
I know that well…..
There’s two versions of me that come from this and neither end with forgiving her.
Not this time at least.
You told me that I had a choice to either go all in on business or to love again, simply make sure she was the one and give her as many chances as you can until the end.
Sage advice, Dad.
Like you predicted, we met the end and it’s not worth losing my life over in a car…again.