It’s 12:17 and I am physically tired. However, I committed to writing a blog earlier yesterday afternoon and I did not complete that task. Instead, I spent the last 10 minutes driving home before getting home screaming in the car.
I am not here to share to obscurities or emotions that led me to be letting it out in the silence of the night. I am here to stay focused. In doing so, sticking to the subject.
What people don’t want to tell you about what it takes, I am willing to share. In earnest. You have to pick your hard and sometimes the hard you’ve decided is so hard it challenges everything you have built. It pushes you to the brink of your limit, it’s what you do next when you hit that wall that matters most.
If you want to give up, then do that. The option is always on the table to stop. If you’re wanting to live a comfortable life, go and do that. No one will cheer you on.
The art of the game is more like a landfill of garbage, and you make it by finding gold in the shit. People want to make adversity shine like it’s some badge of honor but a lot of the time we cannot even communicate what that is to people who do not understand.
Adversity is the knowing that you must change and through that change you must continually overcome the feelings within that are painstaking to diminish. Whether we’re discussing childhood trauma, addiction patterns, or whatever is holding you back, overcoming them is no walk through central park. It’s a brutal process, everyday is another battle and like I said before, you must not find a way to survive in battle but thrive and be a hunter.
I could use this next paragraph to reiterate how tired I am and all the fucks I yelled, but that is not what adversity is about. Adversity is taking all the hard that you are taking in and still being calm, still handling what must be handled. In the wake of inability to see solutions, we do not cower, we find them, then and there.
To achieve the outcomes we desire we have to step tf up to the plate and swing with all our might.
The game doesn’t wait for you to hit and the ball isn’t on a stand motionless awaiting your perfect swing. It’s coming at you fast as hell and you have no chance of doing anything else but giving your best energy into a swing to make sure that you don’t strike out.
Nothing is perfect and we must work everyday if we are steadfast on one definitive outcome.
The purpose of yesterday’s afternoon blog was not to discuss adversity, but I am facing it and that’s the realest account I can briefly provide. I wanted more so to let readers know that I am working on a book, or essay, however you would classify an 50-page or under read. At this stage, as of starting today, I have written to a 6th page unrefined and unfortunately will not be able to continue before laying to rest.
I simply want you to be aware that you are not alone in the fight to excellence. You are your past and you cannot let the mistakes that remain there affect your present situation. Sure, use it for fuel and burn it till it does nothing for you if that best suits, it’s not for everyone but it is for me at times.
Take what you can from every present moment and find ways to apply them to your ever evolving self, each signal from the universe comes in different forms. Be open to interpreting various situations as omens if that is what you need to stay grounded, no matter what, do not fly off and leave your body behind before you can lay to rest knowing you passed life’s test.
Grand rising to you all as this will be scheduled for the AM, wishing you greatness in every breath.