Welcome to April / 2nd Quarter. If you’re not already scoring, time to get to it, quit putting your dreams of 2024 on the bench, warming a spot that eventually grows cold.
At least a bull in a china shop is busy. Fucking shit up, causing a ruckus in the market.
If you’re going to be a joker, that’s great, today’s your day of play - it’s here to honor those who were dungeoned and beatened as a result of their behavior towards power.
Never dropping a knee is important, yet, acting like you can’t be cool without it will be just as telling. No one wants someone who’s always folding to them, in one way or another, you’re showing what you’re there for. Extraction. In a mentor to mentee type of role, a lot of this behavior is acceptable, sure, but simultaneously, you should have an evolved friendship with them. You’re their friend first and the mentoring is typically blended within the general engagement / dialogue you carry throughout your meeting.
I believe the idea of paying for coaching or giving someone your capital/time to generate ideas or direction for you is preposterous. I’ll buy 100 specified books before investing $3,000 dollars for someone to work with me.
Don’t give up your time / capital for the things you can learn individually through discipline. If you want Monday Motivation from your Money Motivated Mentor, then come here and get a spanking on these free resource any damn day. I’m ready to back hand any red headed step children.
I’m giving you three chances to not hesitate. Like you have been. Stop avoiding the shit you should be doing.
You think I want to be writing a blog every fucking day? Yes. I do. But it’s not the easiest thing now that we have a dog and I’ve gotten up 10 times since starting these thoughts.
Don’t let your emotions rule how you act, but if you must, let them guide you into action. Whatever is keeping you from getting the shit done that you know you must this year, stop fucking delaying it. That’s your Monday spanking. Make a fucking list and get that shit done before your head hits the pillow.