Seriously, you’re broke as fuck, lazy, and can’t even build equity in your life. You suck. Go cry about it, suck a thumb or a teet, I do not care. It’s so obvious your head is so far up your own ass in immediate gratification that you’ll never fucking change.
Alright, now that I berated you, what are you going to do about??? CRY?»BYE!
What is ‘Dark Matter’?
In Life, shit sucks sometimes. It gets Dark sometimes, whether we’re self inflicting or we have people around us who pull us down, don’t believe in us, think we’re crazy, and project their own fears onto us or our situation. Your darkness can be your present living standards, your material access to your surroundings, etc. If you live in a dump and you’re too broke to go out with friends to lunch or take your girl on a date, there’s going to be a lot you’re probably going to hate. That’s just the truth.
Now that we have a general insight onto our own personal ‘dark matters’ floating in the ether, now we can begin to pull these imaginary restraints into the frontal lobe and attack the fuck out of them.
You’ll always be 50/50, accept it.
Left, Right, Left. Left Right Left.

If your mom gave up on you, GOOD!
If your dad thinks your ideas aren’t realistic and you need to get a job, GREAT!
If your friends pity you at the bars, buying you drinks, AMAZING!
If you’re starting to doubt yourself and nothing is working, you’re ready . .
you finally understand that you’re a lousy soldier… by believing them.
Listen, not everyone can be a SEAL, far less can be David Goggins. No ones expecting you to carry the fucking boat. How can they? They never have. If you want to boot strap and grab the bull by the horns, you start here:
You can’t get your fast ball in the zone if you’re throwing it from 5 months ago. You also can’t start at 98 MPH unless you want to not give it another go for 3-5 business daze. Not rocket science that you need to warm up again. . but how you warm up is everything.
50/50 ( P & L )
If you’re always thinking positive, your profit will be a loss and you’re going to get your ass ran outta town or fired by your boss.
If you’re always thinking negative, you’re going to always be at a loss because you can’t profit off a negative thought the same way you can from the neutral zone.
And this is talking about the overall Profit and Loss dynamic, you can’t get high PSF without TI / CapEx. So, onto the next.
You can leverage your negative thoughts at 1,000% INPUT/OUTPUT, the same way I believe you can leverage your positive thoughts in the same ratio. It’s natural law to receive what we give, the issues arise when we begin to misappropriate the stack.
If you’re at a 65% LTN* and 35% LTP**, then you’re going to fuck up in some areas. You might have some productivity and get a lot accomplished, but you might also come back home in a sour mood and shed that energy onto your partner/family, who in reality, had a pretty relaxed day at 95% LTP and 5% LTN.
*leverage to negativity
**leverage to positivity
So clearly, a balance is necessary. We’ll wrap this up promptly and you can go on getting spanked or dishing spankings.
You have to take dark matter and turn it into production. Imagine we sent miners underground to retrieve coal, and it did FUCKING NOTHING.
That’s what happens when we let the dark matter beat us into submission, it does nothing, we can’t burn it, it' just sits in our stocking, waiting for us to open it up at the end of Q4 when we realize we didn’t do shit again.
we didn’t do shit because of doubt, peoples opinions, fears, so many variables can fuck us up, but what cannot fuck us up is a steady stream of momentum. Starting with a snowball and bending down to your toes and pushing this thing down the hill till you can barely even keep a handle on it. At that point, we must pivot or we find our entire foundation being torn to shreds by this massive boulder of mass.
What do we do at this point? build a team, start taking that dark matter that you used to productively build a successful business that employs people, into a 50/50 dynamic, where you’re now coaching/training with confidence and positivity, to ensure your team is behind you, while also sparking energies within them that pull excellence out.
This is the 101, I cannot tell you what people said to you or why you have this darkness, all I can tell you is why I do, but that’s my life and I don’t need to give you those tools. I already called you a broke fuck who needs to get their shit together, take that to the plate and smash the ball into the river, well beyond the stands, and take the wins to the playoffs till you can feel like a champion. You either get in with both feet and find a way to swim, tied up. Or you drown. That’s how it is. Good luck. Now go hand out some spankings on all the things that you’ve been procrastinating on.