Well, I can admit without even reading my adversity blog that it was not really one that needed to be pushed out. Not that I didn’t make any valid points or write poorly, I just was in a state of imbalanced emotions and you have to deal with that accordingly.
The subject of this post is a bit more about pointing out the imbalances on the scales and pushing you, the reader, to find ways to the solutions you seek in the ever gusting wild fire that is life. If you want to make it, you have to be a firefighter. If you don’t, that’s fine too, keep getting burned up in the gusty wind.
Now without spending too much time on the scales, there are really only two ways to make it . .
You get baking soda, a kilo, and you get to whipping
You got sugar daddies galore and you glory hole em’
If you’re not inclined for the 2nd option then you have to figure out how to sell that rock. Crack don’t sling itself.
The Special Circumstance
In the case of those who are born into the settings that houses growth from the moment a breath is taken, then you don’t have to do either of those steps. In this situation, you’re primed your whole life, and you can say you have free will or free choice but the truth is you’ve been conditioned. That’s fine, if you learn to love what it is your parents have primed you for then it doesn’t even matter, actually the best case is that you take all the gifts they’ve given you and multiply that like no ones business.
There’s not a lot of nuance to this, the Masters of Reality do their best to gate keep their secrets to wealth, and a lot of times that simply stays within the family. The issues with this, on the grand scale when we look at classes among society is that is a primary reason they exist.
Manipulation, deception, there are many grandiose gestures that are often met with great humor behind the doors of the elite. You simply have to listen to or read the 48 laws of power to gain a sense of how these people behave. If you’re not one of them but seek to become of similar power then you must wield all the tools you forge with great might because the enemy has nukes at disposal while we’re still gathering sticks and stones.
We cannot hate them, spite them, we cannot lower our frequency to their levels. The truth is, we take the sticks, the stones, we build fire, we mine ore, and we forge the weapons needed to stay alive in the arena while you accumulate resources.
The benefit and challenge of the impoverished
If you’re like me then you had every sword against thee and you still smacked these bums down with your shield. That’s the benefit of being strong willed by spirit. That same realization can be your very challenge. Every weapon that came at you broke your shield, or you fell down, lost your footing, however you responded to your circumstances . . I have been there too. You have to be strong and focus on the resilience that is required to break free from your limitations. It is not an easy feat if you kick up your feet . . . you have to stay planted, 10 toes down, standing on business.
You’re competing against the man in the mirror, sure, but the truth is, there are some sharks and whales ready to gobble your ass up. You can’t be a shrimp and get your ass kicked by pesky fish. What kind of life is that?
“Yeah, I decided to never grow up, always staying in the corral. Being protected but never venturing on my own” “I let myself get gobbled up by the fish that were a little bigger than me because I couldn’t figure out how to swim and kill”
You’re the pawn, Make it across.
People misinterpret the basic understanding of life. Everyone arrives with all pieces on the board, whether every pawn birthed is an instant king/queen or that pawn is a pawn. You have reinforcements. If you are a pawn and you want to make it across the board, you have to be aware of your queen, rooks, knights, and bishops. Without them, it’s going to be hard af, and in most cases, it equals death.
I will reiterate, to be successful in your ventures, you have to make sure all the pieces around your life are in the correct position.
Sure, the pawn can get far by getting supported by other pawns. That is not how it decides what it becomes though. The pawns get wiped out eventually and in some cases you can be the only one, trying to find a way to make a safe move, but you can’t.
You have to keep moving, the chessboard is a battlefield and your reinforcements are begging you to prevail for the sake of bringing us to the end game. Your resilience and ability to not let any weapons forged against you finish you before you get to decide who you become is paramount to making it out of the perpetual financial slavery we’ve been indoctrinated to.
Educate yourself, be aware, and never fall victim to your surroundings. There are so many I have been in that could’ve been the ones I never got out of, but I did. I knew when to quit, when to stop doing the things I need to stop doing, although I still partake in some things I need to stop doing and the list of things I should be doing collects dust on the nightstand.
We all have ways to do better, so DO BETTER. BE GREAT.
Love y’all.