Moving away from parody? 10x638
That's sort of a unique pivot point, easy? no. Necessary? HECK NO. I was being a glorified meme guru with my Gif'd out newsletter and ruined my online rep in 44 minutes - which was lit - so time2share
Upon inception, DroolCRE brought the firehouse into the building and it was a unique experience personally, since I’ve never had any online traction b4 this 💩
This was the craziest week of my life, not for any reason beyond the fact that the stats were PUMPING and I was being a complete imbecile in doing it, cordially hilarious, as the bulk of this traffic was due to being a malicious taint on twitter while the NY began - which is part of what triggered me to “Build a Brand” which clearly, this blog shows that I am still building my cells - always regenerating, yet, I acted like a complete degenerate and earned blocks on Twitter from some of the most glorified accounts on ReTwit (for various reasons, the main one is that: I had a threatening aura) that was ‘quickly’ “knocked off pedestal” by my clear lack of maturity and likely a leak or two who knew who I was - No big deal. They didn’t doxx me which was cool
I was just trying to “play with the big dawgs” 😆😆😆😆😆 WHY THOUGH? I’M INFANT - SO WHY WOULD I ‘POKE THE BEAR’ . . . SIMPLY - I AM THE DAWG
(Clifford is top 5 for me) THE BIG RED DOG 😆 This cartoon was goat’d for me pre-8
So back to why I went ‘belligerent’ with my behavior, because there is a subtle case study somewhere meshed in the random success I had out of the gates, in the first 10 days. A bit of it, to be transparent, had to do with following Substack’s guide immediately (so thank you Sub 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽)
The next bit comes from just knowing how to shake a nest out of a tree 😆
On the actual, I had nothing to lose and I still don’t - not in RE/CRE - so why bother acting like a GAF. I didn’t, that was a key component to me getting blocked by several investors or individuals in CRE who didn’t know me but SAW ME. This is key to exposure. I was actively engaged in so much bafoonary that, it didn’t look like I knew a thing 😆😁🫶🏽🇺🇸💹 I was just pimping out my anonymity for viral blogging - BLOKE
But this was also causing me a lot of personal issues, being in my mid-20s (yes I finally am admitting my infantry for all the free subscribed infidels LoL)
Anyway, the repercussions of my behavior and my new found temporary viral fame on ReTwit was a multitude of things. I went manic due to sleep deprivation, which had me puking all over everyone and all over the place. I was not hearing it because the spiritual alignment was appropriate, I was energizer bunny mode, feeling hyped for every new light…
Yes, I was making every ting about me without even real izing, this caused a severe correction in reputation, as I caused stress to my loved ones, business partners, clients, etc etc. I was operating from sheer confidence and certainty without reflection
This was a very dangerous state to be in, regardless of how it may have ‘felt’ in those daze, I was putting my cells into a future daze - a daze of recover, recovery, regeneracy.
It was bad for my commitments and my motivation, my work ethic was on threads because I was stuck in bed.
The results of my sleep deprivation are as follows:
Put my relationship with the LOML on the fence, almost lost out entirely on it..
Put immense stress on my roommate / RE attorney, I was talking buffoonery
respectfully, he was going to take me to a crisis center which was flashbacks af
Created unnecessary stress for one of best friends for decade+ / the best Architect I know - which was extreme EFFED UP
That’s the point of even sharing the three bullet points publicly, because I WAS OPERATING FROM A COMPLETELY IGNORANT POSITION - it was shameful.
It created a lot of embarrassment for me - you only have three things when you go to the grave…
Your Name
Your Birth Date
Your Death Date
And I was behaving like I would never die. It made no ethical sense, I threw the ethics book out the window. I actually threw a lot of shit off the balcony… THE PLAYBOOK
The stress I was neglecting to acknowledge found its way to my hands, which was extremely unusual for me. It didn’t make sense to me how I ended up with BUMPS ON MY HANDS - LOOKED BOILED - AND I’M NOT A BOILER ROOM PERSON
I am much more of a Wolf of Wall Street mentality, it’s just how you’re built when you know how to sell Penny Stocks to 9 Figure NWs 🖊️🖊️🖊️🖊️🖊️
It’s confidence, it’s knowledge, it’s a blended mix of melting pots that makes both this kid and the country we live in, it also MAKES YOU. YOUR PERSONALITY IS A BLEND - SO WHY AREN’T YOU LEVERAGING YOUR CELLS?????
Leveraging yourself is a talent in itself - it’s the art of being you and living through - presently in each breath and remaining queue’d up to stir the stew when next up…
I am clearly over writing this exposé based on the last few lines, which is why the blog pivoted from being partially serious to being more parody / mockery built. I was cracking MY SELF up every blog post. I was NOT cracking up ReTwit, or being respectful, or acting like someone who doesn’t look up to someone like D.T.
Honestly, I don’t really look up to any ‘one’ - I view others careers more like case studies than I do see their lives as ‘impossibly’ lived. In a limitless universe, why would I start by teaching my cells that we are not ‘possible’ in achieving immortality.
The counter to this is THIS..:

If I don’t stretch my imagination and my goals to be equivalent to some of the heaviest hitters of the last 100 years, then what actually is my purpose in pursuits?
There is no purpose unless you follow your cells there…
To wrap up this post, finally, I am sharing another SubStack 😆 but this post was so immaculately well constructed, I had so many simple revelations here reading the ‘Neckar Substack.’
The beauty of accountability is simply the digits… you sum up things and start adding, you grow. That is what is so beautiful about it. You don’t neglect watering your pot, you actually start to see the flowers all around the complex after enough water…