It’s that simple.
Not difficult to fall into the pattern of Wasting Time, which is what most people do. Not only that, Wasting Money. In most cases, there are flocks of these characters. Whenever you’re looking for A Time to say ‘Yes’ to these things, you know exactly who to call.
Deciding to participate, over and over again, ends up spanking your behind in the long term compounding nature of life. Leading us to things we didn’t “ask” for but dis-ease in the body that we’ve been compounding towards through lack of discipline; Know when to say no and say it often. Make it a habit. There are obviously scenarios in life involving loved ones where you agree to a bit more than you would in the marketplace, even then, still learn to say no to things that aren’t aligned with your standards, in every situation that attempts to break you. Typically, those closest to you break you. Trust the process and focus on the result you seek in any desired pursuit. Stay vigilant.
Carrying yourself across the finish line requires a focus on your own cells. Without caring about them, fully, you cannot begin to pull the magnets of others up from within themselves. It’s the law of potentiality at action. The more you reach toward your potential, the more potential of others comes to be reached. The opportunity to build an ecosystem or green house with these potentials being strived for consistently. Through this environment, a lot of amazing things can come to reality. Creating your ideal village/network of people that you can advance with in life is a gift. In Joy.