This is a brief mentality post - a break from the blended comedy and sheer lack of sensitivity - this one will be more loving and as always - direct - so I start with cheese
‘No Greens Left Behind’ was decided over a mozzarella stick..not just any moz. stick; simply the best to ever grace thy lips. Forbes says it’s DRUGzzz to eat cheeez
The mentality of this post is: LEAVE NO GREENS BEHIND…
This ‘list’ of ‘no leave behind(s)’ includes the following:
No Veggies
- we eat all our spinach and stay abundant with a whole foods, plant-based focus, as transitionary ‘livets’ are in place from poor decisions 22’JUNK FOOD & BODY JUNKadíííosBe There for Friends
- in need, as not all friends are created equally, and it is your job to reach out to them, too. I identified with this heavy in the first month of this year, seeing that MY core friends were in need of a friend, right then.No Checks Left Behind - this is a reminder to stay focused on the immediate tasks at hand and allowing every opportunity that is RIPE to be PICKED
Dying fruits are easy to spot and they must be returned to the earth for the purpose of an abundance of minerals re-entering the soil - no need to hurt yourcellpH in an attempt to hold onto that which is no longer serving you.
Abundantly ((HAVE FUN))/Stay in the Green/Don’t shank off the tee/and don’t drink before you hit the back 9 / other’wise, it’ll be a bad time / we hate losing lol
The hiccups don’t stop unless you FOCUS or Forget About Them - and the latter wasn’t in the list - we pick fruitzzz, no matter the condition - and steward accordingly.
The process of living and embodying a “Leave No Greens Behind” mentality stretches across multiple facets of life and requires nearly a 111% awareness. A ‘list’ 1-5 does not full ‘share’ what a ‘leave no greens behind’ awareness looks like - let’s fire bullets
Don’t lose anything - that you don’t want to let go of - fight for it all if you need to
release in love and be patient in healing from that which you either lose or let go of - all is for the highest good - if you allow it to be - don’t hold back from shaping your reality and moving into the realms of your being
Always Run - jogging is running - sprinting is running - either way, I’m barefoot
How far will you go for your “Green$”? Will you run barefoot for 555 miles????? are you limiting your thinking by limiting your reality?????
BE Conscientious of All - I’ll call this the ‘Ripple Effect’ - don’t ripple the mirror
How far out are you looking when you ‘throw stones’? If you only look at your shore and think the ‘Tsunami’ will never reach out - remember how large the boulders you cast into ‘consciousness’ are - inertia isn’t a fallacy - it Ra-Turnz and that includes the negative self talk - eliminate those projection fields.
Don’t run ‘ə-mŭk’ kissing butts; no-1 “loves” ‘brown nose’erz’ unless they lick a$$
Seriously - don’t do that shit - it devalues your self-worth; no one is worth moor than self; wealth is a reflection of how you treat yourself, Qu33n/K1NG
“lick a$$” = Keeping Any1’s A$$ Cleaner than UR OWN - WA$H YA BOOTY
THAT’S WHY WE LOOK BACK BEFORE WE CAST - DON’T NEED AKIDO WIFE TRYNA BEAT SUNzzz A$$ 😆😆😆🇺🇸💹🫶🏽🤤🫶🏽🤤🫶🏽🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘 Basically - to wrap up since i’m getting too childish - since we push ‘P’ daily in this household - whatever ‘P’ means… we satisfy wifey by not being a pile of nimrod on a loose beech and being miiiNNNdFULL of the surrounding sands - no one likes looooose beeeeech saNNNd in theiiir creviiicesss…
STAY PUMPED and ON THE WINNING SIDE - OF SELF - WIN SELF 🫶🏽🫵🤤💹🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🪞🪞🪞🪞🪞🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💹💹💹💹💹🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖
A typo or trés keeps the substack posts going 🆙