Simplicity is the key to brilliance when we consider how detrimental complexity is in the name of progression. Whether it be business, spirituality, personality, studies, etc..
We must look at the most baseline form of what we are actively developing - if we are in the space of renaissance mentality, where we can limitlessly build off the creativity that comes from the cosmic unity with the cells in body to the spirit of body to the soul that communicates with both. When we move in Spirit, Body, Mind, we find ourselves intuitively aligned.
Simplicity creates Solutions, easily. When you meddle with the webs that get weaved, you get caught like an innocent bee - in a trap weaved by thee.
Consider this… If you’re creating financial models or speculating from a calculated sense, how much are you missing that is beyond the Excel sheets?
When you weave a web that ties you up, you are stuck in sheets and can’t wake up
There is no ‘catch-all’ solution (a web self weaved is not ideal for eternity).
We can create mentalities that are not ‘webby’ - they create CORE VALUES
Simplicity is the key to brilliance when it comes to setting the standard you need to sell your cells to move into an alignment that is deeper than the outcomes you seek to achieve. When you seek to chase and pursue ‘purpose’ - it is essential to have the simple habits in place that are defined by your core values as well.
Keep it as simple as possible to keep momentum as high as possible - the highest achievers in this life are tied to a divine source with their cellular trust.
They KNOW where they are going, they KNOW what they are doing everyday, they have a set schedule in a position that does not require one, yet they move into this space organically to become the greatest leaders in the world.
You have to be willing to reflect on your behavior and see if you can leap ahead, you shouldn’t take steps into a puddle without testing the depth.
Depth testing starts inside, can you take on the goals you have in mind now, today? Or do you need to build yourself more on the foundational level before moving into overdrive with your ambitions? When you are aware of the reality that you can make the mistake multiple times, you have to learn immediately. The same mistake that cost you $5,000 can lose you $50,000,000 - if you did not gain the lesson necessary in that moment.
Simplicity is the key to brilliance because it is the definition that sits in the dictionary - it is not the synonym or acronym, it is not a Davinci invention - it is the piece that allows you to create like Davinci - the ability to perceive at an elementary level - is what makes you the Doctorate Professor in any given breath. When you can point to the source rather than the result, you are there. Keep moving ahead, and keep your eyes on the seas, Captain.