Risk Tolerance from someone who's kept it 💯
meaning I wouldn't fabricate 💩 but I will Omit the sauce-y deats unless you paid - which is wack to say but I gotta eventually protect my shirt / jacket and keep showing up to the Masters in Green,
Basically I’ve been sub stacking with IDGAFs and IDKs but that’s just to act more novice than how I go, on a day-to-day, reviewing ground up devs, mixed use, etc etc..
Docs - Debt - Drool Puddles..
I almost bought a meth’d MHP - and that’s the purpose of this ~under 5min read done in about ~5 min speed - with no proof (read)
Basically the deal was a spite one for a friend who blocked me on the twat, after I think I made some dumb comment - which is every 5 tweets, since 3 are replies, so let’s proceed with no lies…
MHP ain’t for me, not when the listers put on market within ~7 Months of owning thee - requesting inflated $124k profit, for doing what? anyway. My DD(s) smacked the lister in the face - well haven’t yet, reached out to offer what Shekels it deserves or even pushing my DD beyond my unresponsive herd - whom is getting notified that we’re fully withdrawn and their capital isn’t needed for 9 months… LOL
I realized during this deal, that my ability to do 4-8 deals a year, would be more heart-wrenching than to just commit to a taxable event once during the last half of thee.
Any who, I’m a bit of a scrooge because no one in my lineage thought to be, my grandfather dreamed of FBI potentials, meanwhile installing alarms in Beverly Hills and CRE department stores, upon completion, only to fall from the top of a ladder.. ending his career in alarms, in a field sense.. his stories of serving celebrities always cracked me up - especially when he installed an alarm for the “lets make a deal host” (Monty Hall) and told him, as he got up pissed, walking away from the agreement with his wife at the table, still seated “LETS MAKE A DEAL, MONTY!” - only to have his wife chuckle by his side and sign the deal ;)

So sure, I wasn’t cut from the cloth of a hundred Billion or JP Morgans Trillion, whatever.. USD is broke and what can never be broken is spirit
I’m only in real estate because I make bad decisions before I realize I need to adjust - Hence, my DDs may explode / bust - as they were done via BBL cash pay munts - to Dr. OZ - telling me I needed to get started there in 18’ LOL
I didn’t even know you could invest in a house in 2018, that’s how much of a novice I was - Now underwriting $100-500M++ between 1-3 of us ;)
Much love to the twatters and jeeters, let’s hit home runs and get us sum skeeters..
(You’re welcome @ skeet for free ad space - as I learn to be blog pro)

double checked - no NDA slippage and meth is the assumption, it's probably human centipedes in that market . . . + eyes with hills, I mean.. Ew