Ignorance is Vindictive.
Pure Art does not entertain the lowly frequencies of the anti-melodic.
When you’re working through God’s craft, there is no process of punitive behavior that will disrupt your frequency for a time longer than it serves thee.
If you are destined for higher realms then you will return to those realms when you are presented with the gates once more. It is ultimately your choice to dedicate your cells to the gates of awareness in the realm of infinity.
We all pray that when we meet the creator, we are met with a well wish that we served to the best of our ability. We cannot deny the creator the best of his gift: Life. Hence why Murder is such a cardinal synn.
When we operate from the hymms of sumeria, then we know there is a depth to the creator that is ill perceived. We perpetuate holy wars that are not genuine in nature. That is the complex of life. We think our creator is greater than their creator when they are all the One Creator. If we choose to neglect other life (God Creations) then we perform harm on our own cells. This is true awareness. We have to be dedicated to the art of replenishment and regeneration. When we work deeply in this art, then we are dedicated to the craft work of leading beyond the negativity of blog titles.
I will end this short piece with one peace. Leave the negativity at the desk - don’t ruin the blessings. We are not meant to work 24/7 - even if it is our birth right - we must be on earth right. Amun-Ra